Technology has increased the pace of operations and that has in turn increased the need for personal trust and cooperation. Shareholders, clients, suppliers and employees need to share commitment through a commonly held vision.  Similarly, government ministers and industry stakeholders can only support what they understand. 

Crosswind facilitates understanding and brings efficiency to high-level discussions. Strategic planning is crucial to success and it must be done to drive tactical implementation.  Crosswind contributes the operational linkage that translates board-room governance into hangar floor success. Crosswind’s enabling strategies are securely founded on experience and success.  

Crosswind is based on three imperatives: integrity, excellence and a profound respect for the individual.


The crosswind consulting Philosophy

In an increasingly complex marketplace, stakeholders are looking for organizations and individuals that can help them improve their performance and expand their business in the global marketplace.  Making the right alliances, collaborating with a purpose and then planning, developing and implementing key strategies are necessary to succeed.

Email    Phone (403) 288-5526    Cell (403) 680-7439
Located in Calgary, Alberta Canada